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Endress+Hauser in Brasil

We support our customers in optimizing their processes in terms of reliability, safety, cost-effectiveness and environmental impact.

Present in Brazil since 1982 and a 100%-owned subsidiary of the group since 2003, the company has over 100 direct employees in addition to its representatives. Together, they cover the entire country, supplying level, flow, pressure and temperature measurement and liquid analysis sensors, instruments, systems and services.
To complement this structure, in 2013 the first production center in Latin America was opened in Itatiba (SP), for the flow, level and pressure lines. This entirely modern facility has all the cutting-edge technology required to meet high levels of demand, fulfilling the needs of Brazil and South America.

  • Geschäftsführer

    With Brazil Managing Director Carlos Behrends at the helm since 2003, the company achieves above-average growth every year.

  • Gründungsjahr

    A fully-owned subsidiary of the group since 2003, the Brazilian production center was opened in 2013 for the flow, level and pressure lines.

  • Anzahl Mitarbeiter

    With over 100 direct employees, in addition to its representatives, Endress+Hauser offers a differentiated service throughout Brazil.

Quality and reliability in services and projects

  • Our mission is to transform the products designed and manufactured at our Production Centers into solutions to meet our customers' measurement and automation needs and expectations.

  • Project Management: Professionals with a full understanding of the project requirements, capable of handling every stage from purchase to implementation.

  • Mobile calibration: Endress+Hauser has an excellent structure for instrument calibration at the customer's plant in the areas of flow, pressure, temperature, pH and conductivity, with INMETRO-approved traceability.

  • Commissioning: Our commissioning services cover all phases, from installation to the start of operation of the equipment, including checks against design standards and on-the-job training for maintenance and operations teams.

  • Contracts and services: You can count on our customized maintenance and calibration contract. We have a specialist team to support customers when contracting services, working with them to balance the demands of efficiency, and always ensuring the best maintenance cost-benefit ratio.

  • Vertrieb


  • Endress+Hauser Controle e Automação Ltda.

    Endress+Hauser Controle e Automação Ltda.

    Estr. Mun. Antônio Sesti, 600

    Sítio da Moenda

    13254-085 Itatiba - SP
