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Endress+Hauser International Asia Pacific

Helping partners to develop business in Vietnam and in the region

The assignment of Endress+Hauser International Asia Pacific (Int'l APS) is to support, enable and develop sales organizations in growth markets. Our office located in Ho Chi Minh City is to support our partners and customers in Vietnam and in the region faster. We want to be of service as the “People for Process Automation”. Our partners receive full support from us including spare parts supply, technical support and engineering assistance to meet the required process demands of our customers.

Endress+Hauser Int'l APS team ©Endress+Hauser

Endress+Hauser Int'l APS team

Kevin Trinh Vu - Head of Endress+Hauser International Asia Pacific ©Endress+Hauser

Kevin Trinh Vu - Head of Endress+Hauser International Asia Pacific

  • Geschäftsführer

    Kevin Trinh Vu

  • Gründungsjahr


  • Anzahl Mitarbeiter


  • Unterstützte Regionen

    Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar, Taiwan, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka

Fast support to customers and partners

  • Instrumentation commissioning & troubleshooting

  • Technical support services

  • Calibration (incl. mobile calibration) & calibration optimization and verification services

  • Maintenance & maintenance optimization services

  • Customer training

  • Vertrieb
  • Vertreter


  • Endress+Hauser International Asia Pacific

    Endress+Hauser International Asia Pacific

    Unit 805, CenterPoint Bld., 106 Nguyen Van Troi St |

    W.8,Phu Nhuan Dist.

    Ho Chi Minh City
